Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Career Growth

It's never about the money... Never.

I attended a career growth seminar today and learned a lot of things. Work is never for the pay, it's for our own growth in building our careers. The salary is only there for sustainability or simply as a reward.

When a person gets a job, first thing that comes to mind is nothing else but money, money, money then followed by spend, save, then spend some more. I'm guilty of this. Thing is that people are so blinded by how much salary is received on a regular basis. Whatever happened to our sight of having a great career? Gone.

Here is an example taken from the seminar. A company pays a lot of money to an employee working in a mechanical plant putting together nuts and bolts, the result would be that that person would produce more finished products simply knowing that the more he finishes, the more he makes money out of it. When the same amount is offered that to a person such as an engineer working in an technical industry, the effect would simply be a downhill path to chaos. Why?? Instead of focusing on the career, that person tends to look into the bountiful rewards where all focus in finishing the products is lost.

Bottom line? Build up skills that helps in developing your career. If you're not happy with the current job - quit. Find a job where you are comfortable working with a decent pay of course. Don't wait to be promoted before you start to work diligently; a promotion is a recognition for a job well done. Focus on becoming a great asset to the company and pay will surely come your way.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said :) It seems someone has gotten more mature ;)
